This international website has one single mission – to assist you getting your refund from Brainety.
Many victums have been set up with an unwanted subscription with this company. It is pratically impossible to get a refund. Brainety manages to delay your requests, with their standard bla-bla responses, hoping you will get tired and give up after a while.
With enough ‘victums’ we can scale up and undertake the legal steps needed to get our money back. To do so, start with leaving your comment here below. You can comment in any language you want.
For Europe Citizens – report your case here: At this page you can find your local office to report this scam. It takes some work to fill in the forms, but it might be worthwile. The more of us that report this scam, the higher the chance that Brainety has to change its terrible attitude towards innocent customers. So please, take the…
Let’s team up!
Share your ideas and comments with us. Together we are strong. Let’s get our money back!
Please keep an eye on this site! You are not alone!